

曼彻斯特 University offers Doctor of Physical Therapy

曼彻斯特 University is accepting applications for its new Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program in Fort 韦恩, 印第安纳州.

Building on its success in the health sciences, including a strong undergraduate major in pre-physical therapy, 曼彻斯特 plans to begin DPT courses in May 2023.

While most DPT programs require nine semesters (36 months), MU’s program is designed to be completed in eight semesters (30 months). In addition, 曼彻斯特 students will pay lower fees when they go for clinical rotations. This saves tuition costs and its graduates will join the workforce sooner.

DPT脊柱2022As experts in movement, physical therapists evaluate and diagnose musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and neurological conditions and treat them using exercise, hands-on therapy and patient education. They assist people to live pain-free while restoring, maintaining, and promoting optimal results.

Each 曼彻斯特 physical therapy lab is furnished with the latest equipment for advanced physical therapy learning and practice. Classes will incorporate the latest virtual technologies, including augmented reality and virtual reality experiences for anatomy and physiology through HoloLens and virtual dissection with the Anatomage®, which allows examination of a 3D virtual cadaver.

The student-run orthopedic and neuromuscular pro-bono clinic will offer students hands-on clinical experience with patients. It will focus on the needs of those in rural and underserved communities.

曼彻斯特 has a deep commitment to integrity and respect for every individual. Its mission is to graduate people of ability and conviction who will lead principled, 富有成效的 and compassionate lives that improve the human condition. In DPT, the outcome will be highly skilled and caring professionals.

Students will also collaborate on and conduct faculty-supervised research projects, presenting and publishing the findings. They will become American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) members in their first year, which provides opportunities to participate in professional and scientific meetings.

要申请,请访问 www.美国物理治疗协会.org/cas/ptcas, a centralized application service provided by APTA.

The Doctor of Physical Therapy is the entry-level degree required to earn professional licensure to practice as a physical therapist. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, physical therapy is one of the fastest growing professions nationally, with 21 percent job growth expected by 2030.

As part of its Charting the Future initiative, Lilly Endowment Inc. awarded a $1 million grant to 曼彻斯特 to help launch the DPT program. 

Singh, Bhupinder

曼彻斯特 University, in North 曼彻斯特 and Fort 韦恩, Ind., provides vibrant and transformative student experiences. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.曼彻斯特.edu/about-Manchester.

我们的使命: 曼彻斯特 University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, 富有成效的, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.
